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Sync Service Proz with QuickBooks for a new era of efficiency

Presentation1Everyday it seems like there is one more piece of technology to harness and new advancements released.

And doesn’t everything from your smartphone, iPod, iPad, tablets, etc. need to be synced together for optimal use? There are cords and programs that, at times, can seem overwhelming that all of these technologies link together BUT once they are linked your productivity skyrockets!

This also is true when you harness the power of your existing QuickBooks application and sync it with Service Proz–uniquely designed by professionals for the home service industry. 

With just a few clicks your customer’s and your business’s important information and data, including things like billing and invoicing, are synced for the unmatched productivity provided by Service Proz workforce management solution.

Once Service Proz and QuickBooks are synced the possibilities of organizing your company’s important data is endless! You will have more time to focus on your business and your customers. Service Proz works seamlessly for you because Service Proz is tailored and targeted to the home service industry for your convenience and your company’s success.

Once the QuickBooks application is open on your computer, it literally takes just a few clicks to upload and sync data with the two applications. All the information you need for your company will then be right at your fingertips.

Now, from just one application, once Service Proz and QuickBooks are synced, you can manage customers, employees, billing and invoicing from just one place. That means either from the office, on the road or on a vacation! And all the information is stored securely and safely in the cloud for mobile access from just about anywhere giving you more time to do just about anything!

Please contact Service Proz today for more information or a free demo to begin your journey to increased efficiency for your company!

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New year, new possibilities with QuickBooks

Presentation1Happy New Year! The new year brings a world of possibilities but after the hustle and bustle of the holidays, unfortunately, it’s time to get back to work!
Are you sitting in your office wondering how you are going to prepare your company’s taxes this year? Always a daunting task even if you are fortunate enough to have an accountant! There are still records to pull, invoices, receipts and all other sorts of paperwork to prepare.

In 2013, why not make it a point to be more organized and take control of your company’s information and documents with a workforce management system along with QuickBooks?

The new year offers a starting point to create organization within your company which will give you more time to talk to customers, or even find new ones! When you integrate a workforce management system with QuickBooks the dividends are immeasurable, here are some of the benefits:

  • Gain control over your service technicians
  • Increase customer satisfaction by communicating directly
  • Give you service technicians increased visibility of their workload and expectations
  • Reduce billing times by invoicing instantaneously

Next week, Service Proz, will release an informative video on how your workforce management system integrates your customers and scheduling easily with QuickBooks. With your company’s scheduling and customer information 100% mobile and all stored in the cloud, the possibilities for your home service company are endless!


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Deliver for your clients

Not long ago a customer that owns an appliance repair company, with over 20 technicians, decided he wanted to keep better track of his technician’s purchases. In his terms, he wanted to see receipts and where his company’s money was going!

Instead of going in circles with employees about purchases, the appliance repair company owner was proactive and sought out a way for his employees to stay in contact.

Of course Service Proz was able to accommodate this request—so we created a simple way to attach a photo to a work order.

Easily attach a photo to note on a work order with this new feature. The great thing about the Attachment feature is the ability to access everything Service Proz has to offer remotely. The ability to conduct business from anywhere and always know what your technicians are doing gives you time for more important things, like growing your business!
The new feature is a perfect addition to your home service business—whether you have 1 or 100 employees. Easily take a photo of a part or receipt, even the completed job, and attach the photo to a note on each work order. Employees love the feature and managers can always be up to date on purchases. What an easy way to synchronize your employees to management and clients, with just one click!
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Mobile apps carry home service businesses into the future

Did you ever imagine in our lifetime that we would be able to remotely scan a credit card, shop easier with QRS codes, or video chat with a loved one on a smartphone from anywhere around the world? Well, we are there with our amazing technology and are moving forward each and every day to the next “big” thing!
Our current technology that encourages mobility is a great advancement in the business industry and can be applied to your home service business as well! Many small and mid-sized businesses are moving to cloud computing for data and document storage because of the ability to access the information anywhere.

With Service Proz mobility features, we are ready to help you move forward and take advantage of these time-saving mobility features.
With the ease of Service Proz mobility your employee or field tech will receive a work order on their smartphone, from there they can clock in, update the current work order and even attach an image to the work order—like a photo of a product or receipt.
Service Proz mobility will help your business save time and money on office supplies, gas and most importantly energy. Best of all, quickly invoice after the job is complete! There will not be any more confusion on a requested task during a service call or lost technicians in the field! The Service Proz app will easily organize all of these important business duties, all in one place.
Please contact us today if you would like to try Service Proz for your home service business!
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Workforce Management is more than just scheduling

Workforce management is far more than a human resources term or just a way to schedule employees. Managing your workforce is one of the most important aspects of your home service business to maintain happy clients and a high level of service for your customers.

Workforce Management covers customer management, billing, technician management, scheduling–and what Service Proz provides is a way to make all of this mobile!

For example, with Service Proz your employees can clock in at an appointment, check exact job duties from their smartphone along with pulling up a map with directions. At the home office, managers have the ability to schedule technicians, create work orders and bill customers with just a few clicks.

The mobility of using Service Proz in the office and in the field, along with the freedom of using cloud-based software is what will set your HVAC, cleaning or even plumbing company apart from the others.

In the end you save time, money and please your valuable customers with excellent service.

Service Proz can handle your workforce management competitively in today’s market. Contact us today for more information and this fall receive one month free with new service.

Smartphones have become an American staple

This week Apple released the iPhone 5 along with iOS6. So many Americans have reserved and bought their new iPhone and the popularity of the Android smartphone is off the charts.

Smartphones have become a staple in personal and business life in the United States. CNN Tech recently reported new research from the Pew Internet and American Life Project that said 45% of cell phone owners say their phone is a smartphone.

Smartphones and cloud based workforce management systems are essential even to small companies with less than 10 employees to a large corporations. With Service Proz cloud based software, smartphones are included with service which makes the Service Proz  software even more appealing? And we’ll make it even easier for you this fall!

Take advantage of Service Proz Fall Special for your home service business! You will get one month free of Service Proz workforce management, cloud based software. The service comes in at a special price of $50 per month for 2 users and 2 field level users and $99 per month for 5 users and 5 field level users.

You will have the ability to easily track your customer needs and direct your technicians to the exact task needed to be performed, you will reduce fuel costs and “lost” technicians on the road along with speeding up customer billing and payments.

With all your extra time, you can be focusing on growing your client base while your employees streamline their daily duties.

Contact Service Proz today to take advantage of our Fall Special and start growing your business!

Automatic Billing: The Headache Saver

As a small business, one of the most important things you can do to stay ahead is to keep your finances organized.  Streamline your billing and payment processes with the right software to save you time, make your job easier, and ensure that calculations are accurate and invoices are being delivered on time.  A service management software that provides your company with automatic billing and integrates with QuickBooks is an easy, assured way to keep your finances in order, all while taking the headache out of tracking your finances.  What can automatic billing do for your company?  Here are three things that automatic billing can do to help your business, and save you the headache:

  1.  Finish your job with the press of a button.  Automatic billing gives your technicians the freedom and convenience of billing your customers directly on site, with the press of a button, from a mobile device.  The technician just has to enter the job details, and an invoice can be generated, and emailed to the client right on the spot.  No need to wait until you are back at the office; saving you time, and ensuring you will get paid more quickly.
  2. Custom Invoices.  An automatic billing application that comes as part of a service management solution like Service Proz allows you to create and send custom invoices containing the information you want your customer to see.  It can also include your jargon, your logo, and your business details.  The invoices can then be printed on site, emailed, or sent in the mail, whatever way you choose to invoice your customers.
  3. Integration with QuickBooks.  Your invoices and payments will be sent directly to QuickBooks, so that you can balance your books and all your billing information will be stored in one place.  It eliminates extra steps you might take in tracking your billing information, helping with your accounting, filing taxes, and more.

Automatic billing simplifies your job, saving you time, human errors and other complications that come with keeping track of business finances.  It can cut down the time that it takes customers to pay you.  Once you make the commitment to add automatic billing to your business processes, you will wonder what you ever did without it.

Visit Service Proz’s YouTube channel HERE to see how their billing applications work.

Friday Fun Facts for Cleaning Companies

You are looking to start a cleaning company, or you are an established cleaning company looking for more business.  Curious as to what the odds are of getting residential cleaning jobs in the U.S?  The following facts are courtesy of


Research shows that the majority of residential cleaning service customers make more than $75,000 annually.

These households are all potential or current customers of a residential cleaning service business.  Are you targeting the right demographics?  

Some people in the cleaning service business worry that there is too much competition to get enough clients.

That means…

There are PLENTY of potential residential cleaning customers to go around! 

With the right combination of high quality, attentive staff, good marketing, an engaging website, and a commitment to customer service, your cleaning company can be generating substantial revenues!  Keep this in mind as you start or grow your cleaning company.  You have lots of potential

Have a happy Friday, from Service Proz!

Bring In More Customers With Videos on Your Site

You’ve GOT to be different!

We’ve said it before, and we will say it again.  The home service business industry is competitive.  As a customer, sometimes it’s hard to differentiate.   A few years ago, you might have been able to differentiate yourself by just having a website.  Today, it’s not that easy.  Now, websites all start to look the same.  Competitors feed off each other, so colors, design, and messaging tend to be similar.  But you have worked hard for your business.  You want a consumer to be wowed by your business before you even provide them with a service.  You want them to pick up the phone and choose to call your business for service.

So What?

A great differentiator that you can use to set your website, AND your company apart from the crowd is using videos.  Showing an example of what your business can do establishes trust in a consumer’s mind.  It is a more concrete and imaginative way to demonstrate your capabilities and differentiation than words.  This is the perfect opportunity to give your customers, or potential customers, a taste of how your business works, and why they should choose you.

What To Show and Where?

There are three different videos that would be beneficial to host on your site, and on your YouTube channel.

1.  An “About Our Business” video, or short commercial looks great on the home page of your website.  It makes your website personal, it gives your customers a great understanding of what your business can do, and demonstrates that you truly care about your business.

2.   A “How Our Business Works” video can work very well on your Services pages.  It can also function as a great way to capture website visitors’ information.  Have them fill out a contact form in exchange for viewing the video.

3.  A “Testimonial” video goes well on your home page or on your testimonials page.  This is another great way to establish brand trust with your potential customers.  Hearing praises about your business from an actual person is a strong reassurance to your potential customer that they are picking the right business for their needs.

Now What?

Wondering where to start with adding videos to your website to help differentiate your business from the rest?  Here are a few steps you can take to create and post videos to generate a bigger interest in your business and give you a great competitive edge.

1.  Decide what types of videos you would like to create and promote on your website or YouTube channel, or both!

2.  Contact a media company like Twisted Media to see what sort of videos you can create with the budget that you have.

3.  Create your videos!

4.  Post your videos in the appropriate areas – don’t forget to start a YouTube channel if you don’t have one.

5.  Use social media to promote your new videos.

Looking for an Example?

Chicago based carpet cleaning company Unique Upholstery, Carpet and Rug Cleaning Inc. does a great job utilizing videos to promote their services.  Check out their website here for some examples.

Do you use videos to promote your home service business?

Love Your Business this Valentine’s Day

Service Proz is offering 50% off a year’s subscription to their all-in-one service management solution.  Are you tired of scheduling your employees by hand,  using Excel to keep track of your inventory, and using paper systems to keep track of your customers and billing?  Transform your business this Valentine’s day with Service Proz’s complete service management solution, including drag and drop scheduling, routing, automatic billing with QuickBooks integration, inventory management, a CRM, and more!  But hurry, this offer ends February 14th at 5:00 P.M. PST.  Call (877) 880-8979 today or email to sign up and transform your business!