5 Reasons to Manage Work Orders from Your Desktop

Imagine your work order management (WOM) software to be a limitless file cabinet. Each customer has its own file, only searching through the digital file will take seconds compared to flipping through a paper file. WOM software is most powerful from a desktop, which can act like a command central sending out information to your work crews near and far. Here are a handful of benefits to managing work orders from your desktop computer.

1. Make sure work orders are complete.

WOM software generally requires you to enter data into a form. For every work order, the form stays the same. Those notes you scribbled in the car after a call with a client most likely aren’t complete. But, when you go to enter the information into the computer, it’ll be easy to see what information is missing — just look for the blank fields. You’ll also set a pattern with creating work orders, training yourself to remember all the details.

2. Save time with organization.

Because WOM software uses forms to enter data, you or your project manager will be entering information in a systematic way. The fields won’t change locations, and this means once you get used to your software, your eyes will know exactly where to look on the screen for the information you need.

(Want a comparison? Take three recent work orders you’ve written on the fly and put them in front of you. Can you quickly find the client’s name and number? How about the number of workers needed to complete the project? Is the equipment needed for the job even described on your notes? If these projects were entered into a WOM system, you’d be able to find all this information and more in a matter of seconds. All the info would be in the same place on all three work orders!)

3. Access existing information…

Today’s WOM software usually allows users to use existing customer information. By using this “autocomplete” action, you won’t have to go digging around for a client’s contact information. Find the client in your list of clients, and the computer will link the work order to the client.

4. …and info from past jobs.

WOM software keeps data from past jobs, and let’s you access that information with a few clicks. View costs, check labor costs, verify client payments, see before and after pictures — what information is available is based on your particular WOM program, but whatever you have stored is valuable when planning new and upcoming projects.

5. Know what’s available, at the start of the project.

WOM software synchronizes most aspects of your business. It keeps track of inventory and staff. A project manager entering data into a desktop version of a WOM program (such as Service Proz) will be able to check whether equipment is being used at another site or if it can be used with this job. The PM can also look into labor availability — and even schedule the job then and there with the client.

WOM software helps you in managing your business, but even more important, having information readily available and organized projects to your client that your company knows what it’s doing…and has the capability to do the work.

Looking for solid WOM software to use for your service-based company? The Service Proz Solution is specifically made to help keep track jobs, customers, and crews.

What do you like most about using work order management software? Tell us in the comments section.

button-getstartedDownload the app and try out Service Proz for yourself. While you’re at it, sign up for an account on our website and talk to Billy about scheduling a walk-through!

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Posted on February 18, 2016, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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